Give me a challenge: The hard mode, for those who want a challenging experience.Give me a balanced experience: The casual mode, for those who want a balanced experience and enjoy the story.Enemies take more damage, are affected by effects, and do less damage.

Give me a story: The user-friendly mode, for those who want to enjoy the story without a challenging experience.It offers several different modes based on the difficulty level: God of War is a single-player game with an approximate duration of 30 hours. Note that if you have an Nvidia graphics card, you will also be able to enable their deep learning super sampling (DLSS) algorithm to render beautiful and sharp images with a higher frame rate. All of the settings have a significant effect on the quality of global illumination. You will also be able to fine-tune your graphics settings like high-resolution shadows, improved screen space reflection (SSR), new screen space directional occlusion (SSDO), and ground truth ambient occlusion (GTAO). The PC version comes with striking graphics, developers really rocked, and you will be able to enjoy true 4K on supported devices. All those quests add quality content and will make you earn worthwhile gameplay-related rewards. In God of War, you will be able to complete favors, which are side-quests that require defeating a specific enemy or finding an item. Complete the quests: You will be able to explore lots of different places, each one with a unique atmosphere.Many more skills are waiting to be discovered. Available skills are Frost Rush which performs a leaping attack with your ax, or Acrobatics which allows you to make a combo with Atreus if all the conditions are met. Skill tree: As you kill enemies and gain experience, you will be able to unlock more and more skills.The balance between strength and defense will be up to you and will depend on your playstyle. Every piece of equipment can be improved and leveled up. To defend yourself against all your opponents, you can count on your armor and precious shield to parry attacks and stun enemies. Your primary weapon will be your trustworthy Leviathan Axe, but you will also be able to use the Swords of Chaos, or the Claw Bow, among others. Weapons and armors: The game will allow you to customize your character, your weapons, armors, as well as your skills.